Cross Country

     Eden Gilchrist
                                                                        Oamaru Intermediate School
                                                             Oamaru, New Zealand

Dear Ministry of Education

Cross country..
I believe that cross country should be compulsory to all. Even if you don't like running or if you have health issues like diabetes. You can walk it or run it.

Firstly, if you have diabetes or your are injured, you still could walk some then run some. Everyone should at least try because it's not fair on the people that aren't injured, who have to do it.

In addition, if your’e not a runner you can still do it. You can walk with the teacher at the start or at the back of your race. Walking is just as good for you as running.  You are still getting fresh air and some fitness.

Furthermore, If you did not do the cross country you would have nothing to do. You would just be sitting down being lazy, wishing you had done the cross country. Do you want to be bored all afternoon?

So you can see that i think that cross country should be compulsory for all students to have a go. Cross country is good for your fitness, it stops you from being bored and it’s good for your health.

Sincerely Eden


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